Sunday, December 16, 2007

The aftermath of an MVA

You know, before any of this ever started, my vision of an MVA (motor vehicle accident) was that you had insurance, it fixed the car and if there were any injuries than a quick couple of rounds of physio and everyone is back to being hunky dory. Even better, you probably got a little extra money for "pain and suffering" to boot. A little MVA gratuity in my mind, a bonus for your trouble.

I was so wrong. A year and 8 months after my original MVA, this week I was in another one and am feeling like I am right back where I started. I am in pain, alone, and swimming in a sea of appointments, and time away from being able to enjoy my family. Time that no one is going to compensate me for. Not financially, not in time back, nothing. I just get to suck it up. Meanwhile, the idiot who ran the red light on Wednesday is down in Australia getting married and isn't outside helping my husband shovel the driveway.

I am feeling really sad right in this moment. It is one of those things that no one can change, but it still feels awful. Dave has been outside for an hour now shovelling the driveway, he is not even half done. While any of you reading this blog know that Dave and I are not big on shovelling the driveway, eventually, it gets done. Today, as over a foot of snow falls, looking up and down the street you can see people shovelling their driveways in pairs. Spouses, partners, working together to dig themselves out of the snow.

Not us. Dave had to wait until the kids were in bed (since putting them to bed involves lifting and wrestling which I can't do), then he went outside, by himself and is working so hard to clear the snow all by himself since I can't do it with him. I am angry since I should be out there helping him.

So now when I think of the aftermath of an MVA, I don't just think about the pain that I am in, and bullshit that I have to endure. I think about Dave, with his head down, working really hard, without his partner by his side, taking it without complaining. Since, even if he did want to complain, he doesn't want to complain to me, so there isn't anyone there to listen to him and there isn't anything that anyone can do.

And that all burns that much more since neither collision was caused by me, yet our family has been sucking it up for the better part of two years.

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