Many of our faithful readers know that the WB family was planning to head to Disney World for March break 2008. Well, we are not there. Nor do I think that we will be any time soon.
Hearing that it was cheaper, we booked our flight departing from Rochester. Got a great price at $185 per person, return. All was looking great until the weather forecast went in the pooper. So as you can see below, we booked a hotel and drove down to Rochester ahead of the storm. Dave was even smart enough to re-book our 5:45 pm flight to a 6:30 am flight (no charge because of the weather). We arrived safe and sound and it was all looking good. When we woke up the snow had stopped and we knew that we were on our way.
Long story short, we arrived to find our flight cancelled. We were given options to redirect ourselves out of most any hub in New York state. In the end, we requested to fly out of Ottawa instead. Though it was a 5 hour drive back to where we came from, we would have eventually had to get the car there anyhow, might as well base ourselves out of home base. They were happy to do it (and we even scored first class tickets) and so we drove home.
For every mile that we drove there was a car in the ditch. Mostly looking as though they gently coasted in. At one point a car spun a couple of times right in front of us. Luckily we were safely back and got stopped in time. Once we got back to Canada the cars were still in the ditch, but rather than gently coasting in, every second one was on it's roof. I guess in Canada we just try harder!
We arrived at the Ottawa airport without ever going home. Guess what, flight cancelled. At least we are in Ottawa now. We are now booked to fly out on Monday, we'll see what happens.
We checked, just to see, and our original 5:45 flight out of Rochester got cancelled as well. Thank God we were already home by then.
It may become the trip that never was, we'll see.
Hearing that it was cheaper, we booked our flight departing from Rochester. Got a great price at $185 per person, return. All was looking great until the weather forecast went in the pooper. So as you can see below, we booked a hotel and drove down to Rochester ahead of the storm. Dave was even smart enough to re-book our 5:45 pm flight to a 6:30 am flight (no charge because of the weather). We arrived safe and sound and it was all looking good. When we woke up the snow had stopped and we knew that we were on our way.
Long story short, we arrived to find our flight cancelled. We were given options to redirect ourselves out of most any hub in New York state. In the end, we requested to fly out of Ottawa instead. Though it was a 5 hour drive back to where we came from, we would have eventually had to get the car there anyhow, might as well base ourselves out of home base. They were happy to do it (and we even scored first class tickets) and so we drove home.
We arrived at the Ottawa airport without ever going home. Guess what, flight cancelled. At least we are in Ottawa now. We are now booked to fly out on Monday, we'll see what happens.
We checked, just to see, and our original 5:45 flight out of Rochester got cancelled as well. Thank God we were already home by then.
It may become the trip that never was, we'll see.
Seriously, what is WITH mother nature this year? Snowbanks over our heads is one thing... but messing with kids headed to Disney is wrong. Totally wrong. Fingers crossed you get your Monday flight.
I guess this is a result of global warming. So, the way things are going, it isn't going to get any better in the years to come.
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