For the last couple of years Big C has watched Monkey head out the door on his way to a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house on a weekly basis in a rather oblivious fashion. More recently he has started to make it clear that he would like to go too. He has tried putting his shoes on. He has tried just heading out the door after them. Worst of all, he has tried the sad pouty face. Now he has just been asking without end.

His time has come! Tonight when Grandma showed up and asked who was coming he said "me" like he always does, and he actually got to go!!! As Dave so elequently put it "he pretty much crapped himself when he realised he was going".

Grandma has sent us photos of the proud little man partaking in all of the glorious and exclusive activites of a sleepover.

1 comment:
...and to top it off, he slept from 6:45 p.m. to 8:15 the next morning!!! What a sweetie. Grandma C
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