Saturday, June 28, 2008

Our new guest has arrived

And he is fast asleep! Mr. I is from Spain and for those of you familiar with world geography. Spain is 6 hours ahead of us here in the old Eastern Time Zone. So when his flight arrived, and they finally cleared customs it was already past 6 pm our time, so past midnight Mr. I's time.

He swore that he wasn't tired, but I could tell that he'd had a long day. An interesting part of Mr. I's trip is that tomorrow is his birthday. His first birthday away from home. This afternoon we made a cake to get ready for tomorrow.

Monkey decided that the cake would be a suprise. On the way home from picking Mr. I up from the airport, Monkey announces to him that we made a cake and that it is chocolate. Then he realized that he just blew the secret. Poor kid was so devastated that he started to cry. I told him that if we stopped talking about it, Mr. I would likely forget all about it.

So in the middle of supper he turns to Mr. I and asks him if he forgot about the cake yet. I had to laugh. The cake is decorated with the right number of candles just waiting. Now that it is after 9 pm here, technically in Spain, it is already his birthday!! So Feliz Cumpleaños Mr. I!!!

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