Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 27th - the Return of the DPoD

To follow up on Saje's comment, the school year has certainly flown by. Today marks my last day at work for the summer, which I'm spending at home with Big C as he has run out of all options for care.
To that end I have recommitted myself to the DPoD. Please expect to look in daily to see what we're up to and ideally the summer will be much quieter than the school year so that I'll have enough time to get on and update the world.

Today I took the idea from E-man's mama to get out and wash the car. It's been in dire need of it for months, so I thought that 2 sets of hands are better than one. Cue Big C.

He was more than glad to help. He took on the task of making sure that we had everything we needed. The hose, the sponge, the soap (he was very excited about soapy water) and the watering can. I never was too sure about the reason for the last one, but he insisted that he needed it.

Big C was sure to wash down the area first - the driver side rear light needed some special attention:

then apply the sponge with soapy water

Then rinse...though I think that the driveway got rinsed more than the car.

All in all he had a fantastic time. It took about an hour, but it was an hour of laughs and giggles throughout. I think that given the chance we may have a very clean car this summer!

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