Big C has figured out how to break through our wall of tabletops and assorted crap that we've been using to keep him out of the back half of the basement. The back half is the part of the basement with the tools, the furnace, the get the idea.
Since he figured out how to get through I've been thinking that we need to build a half wall or something to keep him out more securely. Dave has not had a whole pile of time, so it hasn't happened yet.
A couple of days ago it was garbage day and I spotted and old crib that someone was throwing out. It seemed like the idel item for my little problem. It is essentially lots of long gates! Into the trunk she went. Now the crib was from 1990, so technically still safe to use as a crib. Someone had painted it, poorly with drip everywhere, a fushia/purple colour. No matter for me. The colour isn't important!!
I brought it home and put my idea into reality. I was so proud of myself for making it "Big C proof" that I took these pictures.

Then I realised something that made me *think* of a swear word. Big C was right beside me, so I didn't say it.

So I had to change it. What did I change? Put your answer in the comments section.

Bonus points for the person who can tell me
why I had to change it!

Speaking of contests and awards. We've offered rewards before, many times. Yet I still have almost an ENTIRE bag of lollypops! So, have we actually been giving them out? Or is anyone still owed a lollypop? If so, let me know and I will make sure to give you double what you originally won, just to make it up to you.
BTW, lollypops travel by mail just fine. So our friend in Vienna...go right ahead. Spain, Japan, same thing!! Go ahead and guess away!