I looked over this evening and noticed Big C starting to make The Face.
Every parent knows The Face. I grab Big C and we head for the bathroom. I remind him that he would get a lollypop for a poop on the potty.
Up we raced. The diaper was empty. On he went.
Then, the victory!
SJ doesn't want photos that could be used later on in his life on the web... or there are laws against that stuff.
I have two things to say:
1. Happy Belated Birthday Saje! I hope you had a wonderful day and got spoiled by the wonderful men in your life!
2. CONGRATULATIONS BIG C!!! It's a big step in a little ones life to be successful on the potty! Keep up the good work - the Hamers are cheering you on!
I love the little fairy wand to keep Big C's dignity in tact!!
Good work on keeping the blog up-to-date, I check it daily!
Sock and Wand... because posting your kids penis on the blog would be obscene!!!
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