Monday, April 6, 2015

Domestic Goddess Update

I've been getting a few questions about this one lately.  People who know me who want to know how I am transitioning in to the new role.

So how it is going?
  1. We are having challenges with the school.  They are telling us that they will do things, then not following through.  I am trying to work with them.  We'll see how things go when the new term starts mid April 
  2. Dinner has been on the table, and healthy, fairly consistently.
  3. I have beaten a few spiders to death-two of them yesterday, one was in my bed and one was in my bathroom, both unacceptable
  4. We've pretty consistently had clean laundry-I wont lie though, there have been some "just-in-time-underwear" moments of streaking to the laundry line in the morning.  They key, I learned this from a friend's husband, is to make sure that I own more underwear than the rest of them.  Think about it.
  5. I still sometimes use the windshield wipers instead of the indicators.  Two nights ago I did that AND stalled the car.  It was a banner night.
  6. I still fear being in a public place and trying to get in to the passenger side of my own car and looking like an idiot.
  7. I CONTINUALLY plug items in to use them and they don't work, because the power point (outlet, plug) is turned off.
  8. (which is really 7a) I continually plug items in to be charged, do without them for a period of time while they are "charging" grab them when I need them only to discover that the power point was never on and that they are not charged at all.
  9. Today's to do list included
    1. buy vitamin C when it goes on sale for 50% off-check
    2. pick up gift from Grandma and Grandpa-I'll go when I get the kids from school
    3. make sure we packed shampoo for our trip-check
    4. pick up wine for the lovely people who are hosting us on our trip to Tasmania and Melbourne.-check  Now THAT my friends, was not a chore!!  I got to hit up a couple of local cellar doors and sample their offerings to find some nice local wines to give as gifts.  I could get used to this sort of responsibility!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Truly laughed out loud at #4.