Thursday, April 9, 2015

First School Break Road Trip Day 2-Lancefield to Spirit of Tasmania

We rolled out of bed after 8 to find Anne and Peter up and ready to go!  We ate breakfast including homemade jam, bread and hot crossed buns.  It was just fantastic!  The boys fed the horses, played with the dog and ran around in general.

Anne took us up some of the nearby back roads and we saw a couple of mobs of kangaroos. It was pretty cool.

The boys both got to ride one of the horses, which they loved! Big C was not at all interested,  but Monkey talked it up enough that he climbed on and then didn't want to get off!

At one point I looked over and Pete and BigC were hanging out together watching motorcycle racing videos.

 We ate a yummy lunch consisting of "zucchini slice" which is similar to a fritatta, salad and Anzac biscuits.  The time spent at Anne and Peter's really set the stage for the gastronomic festival that this vacation will become!

All too soon we were grabbing group photos and packing up to say goodbye.

 We drove an hour to Melbourne and arrived with heaps of time to play on the beach before boarding The Spirit of Tasmania for the evening sail over to Devonport,  Tasmania.

 Of course, we were travelling over on both time change and lunar eclipse night so it was arguably the best night of the year to cross.  We had an amazing view and the night with the most possible number of hours to sleep.  They drive the boat more slowly on time change night so that we still arrive in the port at 6am. Of course, the hateful wake up announcement still comes on at 4:50am shudder.

 Monkey managed to lose a tooth on the ship.  In completely uncommon tooth fairy style, she made it on time and with both Australian AND Canadian currency for our big guy.

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