Wednesday, April 15, 2015

First School Break Road Trip Day 7-Port Arthur to Hobart

We sent the first half of the day back at the Port Arthur Historic site.  We got to see quite a few of the things that we had not seen yesterday.

Then, it was time for the 90 minute drive to Hobart.  First stop-Cadbury Factory.  Let me tell you that it was not difficult to convince the boys to hop in the car with the promise of a chocolate factory at the other end!!

They were like kids in a candy...wait...yes, as expected!  Their minds were blown.  They kept going from shelf to shelf and exclaiming over the items for sale.  

 We handed over the boy's allowances and off they went.

 They hemmed and hawed and considered the options and finally they made their selections.  It was the best time to go as all of the broken up Easter candy was for sale.
We were told that the hot chocolates were not to be missed.  Thank you Scott and Nancy for that tip, it was AMAZING!!!!

If you've already sent my confirmed flight details of an upcoming trip to Mudgee, there is chocolate that was purchased specifically for you waiting.  The rest of you are on your own.

1 comment:

Carol Badenoch said...

Yup -- like kids in a candy store!!