Sunday, May 4, 2008

Monkey is expelled from Junior Kindergarden

For anyone who noticed the lack of blogging recently we appologize. We had had a very stressful couple of weeks.

On April 16 we had a meeting with his [private] school. This is the first we heard that they had some concerns about his behaviour. We had a long discussion and we shared with them the things that we do at home to keep Monkey in line. We clarified that they were not looking to kick him out, just to have a discussion. They used them for a couple of days, but it became clear that they were not committed to it.

A week later we had another meeting and they said that things were getting better, but were not perfect. They didn't seem to understand that with a 4 year old, things would never be completely perfect. Three days after that, they called me and kicked him out.

So we've been dealing with that for the last couple of weeks and our blogging has fallen by the way side. We're back now and will hopefully stay that way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Did you know that there s a private school called "Tancook Bell" that deals with children with high needs specifically...with sucess....ask for Bonnie or call me and i'll get you some info
