Tuesday, May 6, 2008

You know what they say-boys will be boys

I wish that I could put a music soundtrack behind these photos!! The best I can do is embed this video,

(Shayla, just humm Aerosmith Dude Looks Like a Lady) please play the music while you look at the photos-oh my gosh I am laughing too hard.
Saje and I were upstairs and the boys got in to the dress up bin. When I arrived on the scene Monkey was in the car as seen below but Big C was driving, they were both in thier little dresses and Monkey was ringing the cymbal with a baton (as seen above). I ran upstairs to get the cameraMonkey loves to put this dress on (he is in it several times per week) and twirl around and watch the skirt flare out. I can remember doing that when I was a little girl too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought that we weren't aloud to use names!! Or is that just for child like people!!

- The Hummer!