One of our little friends, Moni, has parents who are eagerly expecting their 2nd child. As such, we offered to have Moni stay as long as needed at our place while her mom and dad were welcoming the new addition at the Hospital. She arrived bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Saturday morning with diapers, several changes of clothes (mostly pink) and LOTS of shoes. She settled in very quickly with the boys and hopped right into story time with Saje

. She had loads of fun playing in the park while Big C had soccer and then all the kids were packed into the new car to go to the soccer game / barbecue.

Moni and the boys were all over the playground

next to the food. Moni even worked up enough of an appetite to help herself to an entire hamburger

(note: no hamburgers were harmed in the making of this photo, but this one was in fact torn into bite size pieces for consumption)

. Saje took the kids home for movie afternoon

and a nap for Moni.

She slept like a true trooper and then was a bundle of energy during a supper of chicken pizzas and strawberry crepes. The photographer was so busy getting crepes that no photos were available. She took part in bedtime stories

and was off to slumberland without issue.
We were rather set up for a little one again, including such little helpers as the toddler attachment for the boys' chairs. Other than pushing herself away from the table and putting on this trick,

we really had no worries at all.
She stayed with us through the day on Sunday and all too soon she was back with her folks. We truly enjoyed having a little girl in the house, though we do realize that Big C is no longer at toddler speed. My goodness she is FAST!
She's also welcome back anytime.
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