Dave told me earlier in the day that the car had a "slow leak". So I took it over to a friend's place to help her unpack her new house (welcome back to Canada guys!! Now we just need to get that family up here from Vienna and we'd be set...). When The Brick arrived with furniture I moved the car and the guy commented that the tire was flat. When I went to leave I walked around just to take a look. It was only flat in the one spot so really, how bad could that be?

We get all of the stuff out the trunk (and discover that we are the proud owners of a 7 year old full sized spare with the little yellow lines still on it-oops, we should have been rotating that baby through all of this time!!) and the friendly neighbour and his friend could not get it off with the crappy little tool that comes with our car. Luckily our friends have three cars and two drivers so they loaned me a car and I got home just in time for the hail storm.
Mr Bussey and Dave headed out once the lightening stopped with a great big old plus sign like tool and, with a little bit of kicking, got the bolts all good and loose. The new tire is on, we have our car back and we realised three things:
1-we need to get one of these crazy looking tools for the trunk (from what I hear a better jack wouldn't be a bad investment either).
2-We've had the same tires for 7 years? Really? We can't remember buying new ones other than the winter tires. That is pretty good. We should really buy some new ones when the winter tires go on this year!
3-We're truly blessed to have friends like Mr Bussey who will go out into the mosquito infested darkness to help us out when we are in a jam. Thanks Mr Bussey.