Saturday, October 18, 2008

DPoD October 18th - Daddy Day

Today, rather unexpectedly, became a total daddy day. Big C woke up at 5ish and was sent from our room twice. The 2nd time he just did a big U-turn from mommy's side of the bed and headed for mine. He snuggled into my space and proclaimed 'your bed is warrrrrrm, daddy.'. My only reply was a groggy 'shhh, don't wake mommy'. He laid there reasonably motionless for about half an hour, then a cough from daddy woke him enough to remind him that he could have breakfast, so off we went.

Monkey was up shortly after, so we decided to make pancakes. Not just any pancakes either - double banana chocolate chip pancakes. Mmmmm. We heard from E-man's mommy and they were going to take our mommy to go to the sales 'for a while'. So off we went to 'Mnastics'.

Big C had a great time, as usual. Daddy and Monkey went off with BNK's daddy to the 'Donut Store' to chat. Monkey had a sprinkle topped donut, though he didn't enjoy the jam on the inside. Then he told me that he was thirsty. I thought that he was getting big enough to go buy his own. I gave him a toonie and sent him off. After he paused for a millisecond that said 'really', he headed straight for the counter. Toonie in hand. Smile from ear-to-ear. He could barely contain himself with the exctitement. I think that the cashier picked up on it as he returned not only with the chocolate milk, but also the toonie still in hand. He was sooooo proud!

From there we were going to meet grandpa for Rail Fair. We did however have 2 hours to occupy before we could walk through the doors. I was going to go to GT for a little parade through the aisles, but since we were so close we went to the 'Train Museum'. The boys had a blast and it was both 'Jr Lego Engineers' day and chemistry demonstration for kids day. Monkey came home with some blue slime (PVA and borax) and daddy brought home some great ideas for next weekend.

After this we had granola bars and apples in the car. Big C was beside himself. I think that he'd sell his entire family for a bite of apple. We arrived at Rail Fair and the boys had a fabulous time. Monkey was all over the place exploring while Big C and I checked out all of the displays that they had wisely set up for only little kids eyes. The stuff for older kids was set at higher heights, which I thought was ingenious. Big C was largely glued to the Thomas set up and the Lego, thought the Meccano crane that moved jelly beans to the hopper cars of a train kept him entranced for a good 10 minutes. All too soon an hour had passed, and so had Big C's patience. He was due for a nap, so we left grandpa to his shopping and thanked him for the invite.

While Big C napped, Monkey and I hung out. We hadn't just 'been' for a long time, so we just enjoyed each other's company. I asked him if he wanted a snuggle or to read. He replied 'both'. So we did. We read several books and had some good laughs. We got Big C up form his nap and headed out to enjoy the sunshine. We trimmed back the trees, cleared out the raspberry crop, played on the swings and then the request for soccer came. He turned on the skills pretty quickly and we decided to play for the lemonade popsicle trophy. First one to 2 goals. Every time he had usedd short kicks all afternoon he had scored a goal. He got the first, daddy notched it up at one apiece, then Monkey put on these moves while daddy had the camera:

First the 'I'm gonna win' pose:Then 'the hop' (once performed by the Mexican player Blanco at the 1994 World Cup I believe - tuck the ball firmly between your feet and hop around your opponent)The 'tunnel' (he went between my legs, literally)The breakawayand the winning shot (off the post)for the gooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllll:To the winner (and his little brother) goes the spoils:

This was easily the funnest day of my entire year. We had a whole day to ourselves and I had a great time just being one of the boys. Thanks for the memories boys. I love you both.

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