Friday, October 10, 2008

A rookie mistake??

Was this the mistake of a "new" mom? Or maybe just a bonehead. Let this be a lesson to you.

We are planning a Halloween party at our house. Both boys will have a couple of friends over to celebrate. Big C didn't get to choose, but Monkey got to give us a list.

On his list was a girl from his class, we'll call her Kelly. Some of the kids in Monkey's class are also at his day care. So I brought in a couple of the invites and asked if they could pass the invites out. They told me that they had Kelly and they were so pleased that Monkey was inviting *him* (I didn't catch it) as they didn't think that Monkey and Kelly were close.So I go back to tell Monkey that Kelly, Flower and Chester were going to get thier invites at day care. Only then does he pipe up that the Kelly at day care is not the Kelly that he wants. He wants the girl Kelly from class...not the BOY Kelly from day care. CRAP.

So now that 5 minutes have passed I go back to the day care to get the invite back. Well, there is Kelly and his mom standing there holding the invitation and he is so happy since he really likes Monkey. So, now he is invited!!!

This has been a great teaching opportunity to show Monkey how people make mistakes and make the best of the results. He is a trooper about it and the other Kelly got HER invite today.

So, I am pretty sure that I wont make that mistake again (there are no last names on the class list, next time I'll ask). For those of you who have not made it yet-now you don't have to!!

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