Sunday, January 25, 2009

Monkey builds a shelf

Grandma C's pottery studio is being re-located to a bigger space in the basement and Monkey is a big help. During this week's sleep-over, he learned how to use a socket wrench and helped Grandpa take a shelf apart, move it, and put it back together.
Before bedtime, Monkey, Grandma and Grandpa were sitting in the family room. Monkey stood up, moved to the centre of the room and said, "I have an announcement to make. Grandpa is going to put me to bed tonight."
Grandma: "What will I do?"
Monkey: "After Grandpa is finished, you can kiss me."


Dave said...

Monkey's announcement is TOO FUNNY!!!
What a character he is.
(what did we do for laughter before we had kids??)

Anonymous said...

uh oh..he has already figured out the male bonding thing!!! BD