Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saje Skating on the Canal with the Imports

This is something that you just have to do while visiting Ottawa in the winter. Mimi and Pineapple were totally game. Mimi has a bit of an advantage since she is Finnish. Pineapple's Australian home weather doesn't necessarily lend itself to being a skating expert! She stayed on her feet a solid 80% of the time though : )

Saje is proud to say (and also very surprised to say) that she stayed up on her feet for over an hour-she never fell once!! That is a BIG deal for someone who has not been on skates in at least a decade!

Monkey was skiing with Grandma and Grandpa so he is not featured in this post : (

Here's BigE getting ready to go:Baby Peanut snug as a bug in a rug! There was more padding and blankets than you can imagine!!
The imports:
The crew of ladies (Saje is behind the camera):
Mimi enjoying a chocolate hazelnut Beaver Tail on the canal. yummmmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice hat Mimi!!