Thursday, January 29, 2009

We're home from the hospital

Wow. What was described as a "split lip" was really more like a space where the lip and muscles above the lip had separated enough that you could put your finger there. His lip was wide open with his mouth exposed. It looked like a child with a cleft palate that had not been repaired.

When the doctors saw the extent of the damage they decided to perform a minor surgery to repair the damage. They needed to sedate him to be sure that he didn't move. The concern, as it was expressed to me was "if we are off by more than a millimeter, he'll have a permanent deformity". These are very alarming words for parents to hear.

I took pictures of him pre-operation on my cell phone but I can't figure out how to get them off :s

The surgery was done with waking sedation and Dave and I were able to stay in the room. He came out of it really well and after an hour of observation we are home with our little guy.

Grandma came over with Popsicles and a present and he is happy again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a brave little guy..hope he recovers quickly. BD