Monday, January 26, 2009

They're here!! They're here!!!

So on Friday the boys got a special package from an old friend of mommy's who is now in the US of A. Monkey and Big C tore into their packages and found some awesome books, one of which has been very popular around these parts all weekend. We told Big C that it was a potty book for when you're waiting to do something on it.
I think it was a brilliant move. He spent about 2 hours a day on the potty playing with the book. To enter the 'I think the batteries on the 9-1-1 book will run out' pool please look to the bar at the side.
Thank you so much for the books! The boys absolutely love them and it has been a joy around the house having them here. We appreciate it so much!
**update** from Saje I'm really sorry that it took so long to get this post up : ( we're having major camera problems in this house and I wanted to post the shots. There is still a better video to come where you can see the ear to ear grin : )

NB as I type this all I can hear from the bathroom upstairs is "911 lets go!! " and engine sounds!! He loves it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad that the books arrived! I had trouble picking one for girls loved the Magic School Bus in their day but I figure you have most of those books by now.
