Monday, September 14, 2009

Making Hummus

We're trying to find healthy options to send to school with Monkey that don't include nuts or packaging. Nuts because we attend a nut free school, packaging because we are trying to be kind to the environment, and healthy because we want him to be able to learn rather than riding the roller coaster of insulin highs and lows as he processes sugars and carbs.
We made hummus today. Super yummy hummus. I lined the boys up and we mixed it all together. They had a blast.
Next time you see one of them, ask them to say "tahini" it is hysterical!!
At the end, the moment of truth, we took off the lid to the cuisinart, dipped a carrot in for each boy and they all loved it! Phew! We served it with lunch and monkey has requested to have it in his lunch on Monday-yay!!!!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Looking forward to a "tahini" video :-)