Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Our last day of summer - one final hurrah!

Woo hoo!
I found some pictures from our last day of summer - rather last Wednesday - when we went on our last adventure as the 3 boys.
I made the theme of the day 'Pick your favourites'.
It was an easy decision.
Go downtown and take the bus and the O-train. So here they are waiting on a bench for the O-train.
Big C was the first to spot the O-train.
Then we got on board and had our usual run of snacks and looking for landmarks.
We stopped by to visit mommy in our travels and then headed back towards the middle of the city. She was overjoyed to go up and down the escalators with the boys. I think we'd still be there given the chance.
The boys were enthralled by window washers on one of the office buildings. They were full of questions like 'how did they get up there?' 'how will they get down?' and 'what happens if he needs to go pee?'.
We stopped for lunch on parliament hill with the throngs of people doing yoga in the background. Next we headed for the Peace Tower. Little did I know how important it would be to Big C. A week later and it comes up several times a day.
Here are the boys watching the bells go past.
They were really excited about what they could see:
Big C admiring the library
The ceiling
The people that we had just been next to that were doing yoga
Both boys checking out the view of the river

Monkey was a great big brother and ran down the steps at the front of parliament to show him where we'd just been. It was a really touching moment - a testament to the maturing that Monkey has done over the summer. I'm so proud of him.
They each got a coin to throw into the fountain at the front of parliament. Who doesn't love a fountain with fire in the middle of it?
We passed by the changing of the guard at the War Memorial on our way to catch the bus. The boys were interested in seeing the guards that were wearing furry hats (Busby's I think they're called). We hopped the bus home and had a fantastic day.
Thanks for the memories little guys.

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