Thursday, July 16, 2015

First timers down under

Long time readers of this blog will know that the WB family come from a long line of blood donators.  I would like a quick segway here to profess how very profoundly I miss the peanut butter Pirate cookies that used to be an option when you donated.  Hold on while I wipe the drool off of my chin.  Yeah, those were the good old days!

Anyhow, Mudgee isn't big enough to have a permanent clinic, but the mobile clinic swings in to town every twelve weeks.  Another aside to comment that Australia takes LESS blood but makes you wait longer between donations.

Dave and I booked in, got pre-screened and made it through!!  We are technically first time donors and are even getting issued with fancy new cards!  Dave took the easy way out and just showed up, acted like a mature adult and gave blood. 

He actually admitted that it was donation 115 or something like that and compliantly answered all of the questions and wasn't a pain.
 Not this girl.  They had to give me all of the "first time donor", "be nice to me I gave blood today" and all that jazz stickers (I think it is actually number 40 or something for me in real life).  They did the full procedure for a first time donor! They even treated me extra kindly and kept asking if I was okay and such.  They brought me a beverage right in my donation chair at the end and everything.  Hey, procedure is procedure and who am I to want to get anyone in to trouble??
I'm wearing my spartan shirts as there is a "friendly" competition amongst the Spartan racers from different states to see which state can donate the most blood.

While they were no Pirate cookies upon completion of our donations they did give out MARS BARS and KIT KAT BARS.  Not one tiny one either my friends, handfuls of them!!  My blood sugar will be elevated for weeks to come!!

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