Upon waking the host of the home let us know that she awoke in the middle of the night to discover Monkey standing in her room having flipped her light on. He then walked down the hall to the front door, turned the key in the deadbolt and walked right out in to the (quiet residential) street. She coralled him to the bathroom and then back to bed. He's never done anything like that before! I suppose he was disoriented from all the different sleeping arrangements.
When we arrived at the house we were warned of two things:
1-the local creeks, the ones we've already walked over a few times, have crocodiles in them. Only small ones though, so apparently I should feel safer.
2-if we don't leave the toilet seat down the tree frogs will hop in to the toilet. This is not a big deal. What is a VERY, VERY BIG DEAL is that the pythons will follow the frogs in to the toilets.
The fact that the house was "artsy" was mentioned. The fact that there is a shiny silver stripper pole on the back patio was not mentioned. We've come to figure out that out host teaches pole dancing classes. It's really too bad that we'll only be here for 3 days or maybe Dave could have figured out how to swing around it upside down. We'll never know I guess.
We got up this morning, had breakfast around the pole and then walked to our pick up spot (over the creek) for the day's adventure. We've spent the day doing the Kuranda scenic skyrail (a word my Canadian phone autocorrected to "syrup") and Kuranda Scenic Railway. Fun Aussie trip trivia: we have now taken a train in every Australian state we've been in.
Monkey was here a few weeks ago with grandma, but did the trip in reverse (train then gondola) so even he is getting a different experience.
So here we are in the gondola
Pretty views:
First sighting of the train from the gondola. You can imagine that BigC was counting down the minutes from that moment forward until when he could be on the train.

The boys hamming it up at one of the stops. The gondola stops three times to see absolutely amazing rainforest.

After a couple of hours walking through Kuranda we caught our 3:30 train back down the mountain. It was a feat of engineering marvel yaddy, yadda and all that jazz....
Awww, so cute!!
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