We woke up by the side of Bruce Highway and ate a quick breakfast and then got on the road. We had pulled over in to a random gravel area with no amenities. About 15km further up the road we found the fully kitted out "driver reviver" location we had hoped to sleep in. No worries, we didn't particularly care about the lack of bathrooms!
The road trip drew to a close today as we put the final 350 km between us and the Gold Coast and coasted in to Cairns. I say "coasted" as we had paid for the privilege of leaving the tank on empty, but you only make money on that option if you leave it below 20%. Oh trust me, Dave did the math and we coasted in!We could honestly have been driving in the Caribbean with the sugar cane on one side of the highway and the bananabananas on the other. All while driving on the left hand side!

All too soon for this kid (and 8 days too long for Monkey), it was time for big C to hug his beloved campervan goodbye.

We ate sushi for the first time since leaving Canada and it was fabulous!! Monkey grabbed fish n chips like he did a couple of weeks ago with grandma.
Big C loved the parks and is thrilled that we proposed to come back for a day of playing in them. The reality of that negation was that we knew we would not get him out of there without making an agreement like that!
My phone is dying and I am exhausted. I'll have to discuss the stripper pole on the back porch in a subsequent post.
Bye bye camper van. Such a great part of your trip.
And um stripper pole?
Stripper pole? Gotta wait till next time?? this is quite the teaser. Not exactly "who shot JR", but close!!
Monkey, I'm so pleased you were able to guide everyone to the night market. You and I had such fun there. You even found the fish and chips place. Did everyone like the Esplanade as much as we did?
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