I will start this post off with a disclaimer: we are well in to our second bottle of wine as I type this. I see a high probability that I will make some errors in the typing and not notice. So know that right off the bat!
we I was super slow to get out the door. Honestly, it was noon before I actually managed to get myself off of the porch towards the door. The weather was iffy so we spent the day at the botanical gardens.

Once again, we took full advantage of Australia's electric BBQs for lunch. The boys wanted cheese melted in to their sandwiches. BigC came up with the idea to accomplish this by using the BBQs. I'm not going to lie. After a billion days in a row of eating sandwiches I am pretty much COMPLETELY over them as well.
Oh look, photo op:
So, in true WB fashion we found a dangerous bushwalk to go on. Stinging tree? Check. Crazy dangerous snakes? Check. Mosquitoes with dengue fever? Check. Stripper pole? Sad trombone.
Look, look, look! It's US in front of a great view (in this case the ocean)!
Hey look, we brought the kids!
Here's the route. The conservation of the botanical gardens is more of an afterthought in the planning of the city of Cairns, so it is pretty much right in the middle of stuff.

We were tempted to do the longer route, but the warning said that it wasn't safe to start after 2pm and it was 2:30 when we were reading the sign. We still considered it, but the track was pretty steep as you can see here behind Monkey.
We came home and after a quiet relaxing early evening (during which we took care of the first bottle of wine), I started in on dinner.

It was much like at home when the dog stares at me while I cook, except this time it was my hungry children staring at me (note the "art" over Monkey's left shoulder).

Soon enough, they were finally fed. We ate dinner around the pole and there were no leftovers. I'm pretty sure that Monkey is intent on growing another few cms before this trip is done.
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