Friday, July 10, 2009

Got plans?

EDITED to add that the people who are over 4 feet tall will be going to Lafleche Caves to take in the kids park one of the days.

Next week is almost entirely wide open during the day. Both boys will be home with me everyday except for Thursday - when Big C has a field trip planned with his pre-school. Here are some ideas that I'd like to participate in next week. If you want in please let me know what you're interested in and if there's a day that works better for you than others:
Museum of Nature - I think that we'll likely take OC transpo to get there and back
Detective Program at Ottawa Public library (Tuesday morning) - we'll be heading out to this in the morning, but the afternoon is wide open
The local fire station is welcome to visitors with a little notice. BNK apparently has an in, so we may try to set that up for Friday.
There's a cool park that we discovered yesterday that the boys really enjoyed. It's a short drive / long bike ride away. We'll likely hit that on a sunny day (praying for at least one sunny day).
Playdates are always welcome. The basement is fully loaded in case of rain. The back yard and the local parks are good to go.
Feel free to comment, e-mail or phone.


Nuyanne said...

Chloë's swimming lessons Monday thru Friday were putting a crimp in our playdate plans. Today I managed to get our class time for Session 2 changed to 9:30 am which means we are done by 10:00 and might actually be able to join you on some of your adventures! I love the Museum of Nature idea. How long is the bike ride to this new park? Would this be a good test drive for my gorgeous new cycle? It would be good for me to have someone around to spot me incase I go into cardiac arrest. ;)

Nuyanne said...

Word verification for that last post was "foccocc"... say that 10 times fast.

Nuyanne said...

Who amongst us has 4ft tall kids??!!

Saje said...

ummm, if you count kids with shoes on, I have one who is practically four feet tall. I would also point to as guilty of having a tall child.

Nuyanne said...

Now when you say "kids with shoes on" does that include granola bars shoved in the heels?? ;)