Today was our first full day in Mudgee. The doodle and I both woke up at the crack of 3am while daddy and Monkey slept right through to sun up.

I got off for a run to clear the travel cobwebs from my head and daddy and the boys went for a bike ride to tour around. The view behind me is the view from our front porch. I don't think that we will ever tire of it!!
I had the extreme pleasure of negotiating with a juicy black spider that lives in our letterbox. He let me have all of the mail, and I gave him ample time to move away from each piece before I grabbed it. No photos of that one, mostly so that a couple of you will continue to follow the blog! (see below, we already didn't follow the "no spider photos" rule)

Some new friends popped by with their little one and we had a good chat. They offered to let me follow them in their car to help me get to town. Boy oh boy I was nervous getting behind the wheel in a country that drives on the other side of the road!!! I did it though! I only hit the windshield wipers instead of the indicator about 1000 times and I didn't stall the car at all. Dave only had to holler at me once about a truck that was coming along in the inner lane whilst I was attempting to turn in to the outer lane. We all made it home alive so I am calling that a win!

Dave says that he is going to try driving tomorrow, so stay tuned!
We have a tree just covered in delicious ripe peaches. Oh my word the peaches!! We have been eating them non-stop, giving them to people and still I don't know what to do with all of them. Of course, that made me want to call my mom to get recipes from her. She has promised to send me some cobbler and cake recipes (later update, she sent no less than 8 recipes for peach yummyness). Funny how you can be on the other side of the world and still want your mom.
We are juicing up some of the peaches to make popsicles. They should be ready when we get home from the community pool.
Dave just finished moving the wood pile that was right up against the house. I could hear him negotiating with the spiders from the window. For the mom and pile of babies he moved the log they were on and spoke reassuringly to them. For these beasts (see blurry photo and make rude comments about the photo quality and then come over here and take your own photos while trying to clench your cheeks together firmly...), he stepped back, let them know that they could keep the wood pile and then he came in the house. There is a Red Back that currently owns the water tank too. When he saw that, he just closed the lid, walked away and came in the house. So much nope. We are happy to give them the yard if they just stay out of the house. Shudder.
Is a red back a spider or a snake? Don't know why but I'm hopin' for a spider. I'm looking forward to the peaches when I come next month. Love to all.
It's a nasty spider. At the hospital today they said that we need to kill them whenever we see them. I am fearful that they might be receiving the same briefing!!!
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