Saturday, June 27, 2015

DreamWorld Day 1 from Dave's point of view

Today marked our first day of 'winter' vacation in gorgeous, sunny Gold Coast, Australia. Saje has put together an AMAZING start to our adventure. 
Today we hit up Dream World just down the road from our awesome accommodations. Here I am hanging out with thr characters from Madagascar as we waited for the place to officially open (we arrived half an hour before the gates opened just to get organized and be the first ones into the park). 

 Monkey was off like a shot on her velvet ropes were pulled aside and headed for 'tower of terror II'. Here he is at the entrance ( note: there was no one else even in sight)
 Here we are at the front of the line as we were about to board. It was totally worth rushing for.
We went 4 times in a row.
twice in the front, once in the back and once with our eyes closed.  All before 10:25.
 Here is how Monkey's hair ended up.
 Meanwhile, Saje and Big C were checking out the motorcycle speed ride. It's the Backlot stunt coaster of Drwamwored in that Big C would have gladly stayed there all day.
 Here they are with their 'game faces' on.
 After lunch Monkey and I headed for the rides with more action and speed while Saje and Big C opted for travel rides. Here is Monkey taking his turn at being in a goofy photo:
 After some very spinny rides, we noticed hat the Zombie Apocalypse ride was open,  so on we went. It was a very cool laser tag type of game, so cool that we grabbed the others and finished our day there.
We opened the place.
We closed the place.
It was a phenomenal start to our vacation.

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