We're getting there. BigC and I are getting in to the groove of his morning routine. He was early to school 3 mornings this week, exactly on time once and had to get a late slip once. Considering I am aiming at a slim 10 minute drop off window (8:29 is too early , 8:30-8:39 is early and at 8:41 it's all over) I figure we're not doing too badly.
In the first two weeks we've gotten kids signed up for pizza programs, field trips, and even some extra curriculars.
It's possible that I completed a skating excursion permission form at a red light this week. Whatever man.
Monkey left his ski helmet, helmet liner, goggles and face mask at his ski club LAST WEEK and we didn't figure it out until this week. All but the goggles have turned up.
We're getting there. My car is back and currently runs. The key fobs for Dave's car work sometimes. We still don't have a functioning chest freezer, but the temperatures have stayed well below freezing so this continues to be at the bottom of the list. The hot water tank quit yesterday (third time in 5 months) but came back on with a system reset. The powder room toilet doesn't flush worth...well, you get the idea.
I said possibly the least Canadian phrase this week at Canadian Tire. I swear the dude helping me almost took my passport.
We have mounted 15 feet worth of ladders to the basement ceiling to use as monkey bars. When I was at Canadian Tire buying strapping the clerk suggested that we wrap the parts under the strapping with hockey tape to reduce noise. I looked at him, and before I could even think, I said "do you sell hockey tape here?" My uncle has worked for Canadian Tire for like 40 years and would have likely laughed his head off if he'd heard this stupidity!
My (slightly longer than a year) term as a domestic goddess will be coming to an abrupt an final end in a few days. This means that our final stage of reintegration will be complete. Our lives will be normal and no longer blog worthy. We will retreat in to the anonymity of being normal. It's been fun sharing this journey with so many of you from this side of the keyboard. From here on in if you want to know how things are going, you'll need to hang out with us.