Friday, September 5, 2008

Big C's school

Big C is adjusting well.  There have been a couple of issues but nothing major.
Issue 1: he gets dropped off in a different room than the one that he plays in all day.  He was not originally convinced that this was okay.  Not at all.  There were tears.  His teacher comes down and gets her class about 10 minutes after he gets dropped off and they go up to her room.  It took this entire week and lots of discussions with him for him to get comfortable and confident about it.  This morning he was dropped off into the different room with no tears.
Issue 2: Grandma's special blanket DOES NOT BELONG AT PRESCHOOL.  Now that he is there for the whole day he is there for an afternoon nap.  This means that we send in a blanket.  Since the new bedding arrived Grandma's special blanket fell off the radar, or so we thought.  We packed it and his bunny up and told him they were going to school.  He pulled the package off of the dining room table no less than 10 times trying to put them back in his room.  I told him to stop, Dave told him to stop.  Monkey ratted him out when he tried to do it secretly.  We moved it out of reach and Dave brought it to the day care.  We were quite convinced that he just didn't understand that it would be used, but just not at home.
Oh he did not think so and insisted on brining it home that same night.  Dave finally said to him "I am not bringing it back and forth.  If it comes home it stays there".  (little did we know!!).  I didn't know about that conversation and I asked him how his nap was.  He proudly told me that he has naps without a blanket.  He fully understood and that blanket BELONGS AT HOME.  To accomplish that,  he was perfectly willing to forgo having a blanket at pre-school.  Poor little sweetie.  So I went into the back of the closet and grabbed the stack of crib/toddler bed sized blankets that I just can't part with (that Dave keeps moving out and I keep putting back in) and set them all out on the floor and told him to pick one for pre-school.  He immediately jumped on the fleece Brock University blanket with the red bear on it.  We got that as a gift for Monkey from the newly expecting Jason and Kendra (congrats guys!!).  And so now everyone is happy.  Big C has a blanket at school, Grandma's special blanket is in bed with him and his parents are astonished by just how much this meant to him

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