Sunday, September 21, 2008


It wasn't much of a stretch when we were deciding what to sign Big C up for this fall to figure that he would love Gymnastics. We've been to a couple of places and seen what they have on offer. We did a car seat clinic awhile ago at Starr Gymnastics and I wanted to support them since they support the SEATS Coalition. They seem to have a nice clean facility and a keep energetic staff.

He had a ball.

He wasn't too sure about being dropped off and having me sitting in the parent observation area. He kept coming back every 3-5 m inutes to report on his activities.
It was the same report every time "I'n doin gynasics". It got to the point where the other mommies would let me know that he was on his way.
They have enough trampolines that the kids each get to play on one at the same time. He thought the jumpoline was great. He on his, then wandered over to the next one, then the other one. His poor teacher spent a great deal of time coralling him!
They put stamps on his feet at the end of the class. He was very proud of that.

PS after reports that his teacher's name is Monkey, it is not, in fact Monkey. She teaches the 5-6 year olds apparently.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So strange that this one knows where his feet are. This whole coordination and climbing thing... :)