Thursday, September 11, 2008

our March Break staycation

After last years non stop thrill ride on vacation we have concluded that we'll likely have a staycation this March Break.
Some thoughts-going south where the kids can stay at a kids club will cost around $7500 for a week
Going south without the kids would cost around $3500.  Though the kids could be in day care all week from 7-5:30, to leave them with someone would mean that they would need a car to pick up big C.  We just don't have anyone who can do that.  I would worry the whole week if we left them with some teenager.
Disney would be fun, but unless we go with another family or something and share the responsibility of the kids, it doesn't provide any relaxation for Dave and I.  That and it'll cost around $4500 if I can't swing flights like last year and, in the end, last year's flights were not all that awesome.
So, we're thinking staycation for this year.  Put the kids in day care all day and RELAX at home.  Go to a hotel for a couple of days during the day and put a chaise lounge near the pool and read a book.  Go out for breakfast and read the newspaper front to back while enjoying my warm coffee. Pay a babysitter and go out for dinner every night (anyone wanna join us at a restaurant for a great meal and good company??).
The end result is really very similar.  Plus, we may go ahead and get a Jacuzzi tub installed in our bathroom ahead of time and sit in it for part of the week drinking blender drinks.
ahhhhh.  Staycation here we come!!!

1 comment:

Matt Triemstra said...

I'm still a supporter of the BAH Campaign. (Buy-A-Hotub)

think BAH!