Friday, February 6, 2015

An Educational Week at the Beach

Part of being domestic is paying attention to the flurry of school paperwork that comes home.  I will take a moment to admit that in Canada I struggle to stay on top of everything that isn't distributed electronically  (sorry Richard and Connie).  So when the first school newsletter came home,  I actually read it.  Front and back.  On the back was a note a about a camp for kids with Autism AND THEIR FAMILIES.

I submitted the forms and we got approved!!!  So the WB family will be going to the lovely Manly Beach for a week together.  The kids go to school in the morning (siblings too), while the adults participate in learning workshops. This place is part of the school board and apparently puts on a fabulous program.  As an example, Monkey will be given the opportunity to meet with a psychologist to discuss how having a sibling with autism makes him feel.

In the afternoons we all attend the zoo, indoor trampoline park, water works, the beach (this place is apparently right on an absolutely incredible beach), indoor rock climbing and more.

What an incredible opportunity for us as a family. Dave to learn as a teacher is thrilled for the professional developmental opportunity that this presents for him.

The only expense that we will incurr for the entire week's experience will be our transportation cost (it is a 4 hour drive to Manly from here).  We are very excited!!

A note on the Internet (and lack of photos in this post). Our Internet is still down.  It may be down for more than a week.  There is one provider in town and they don't appear the slightest bit concerned that the Canadians are used to having constant access to the world.

I'll do what I can to keep posts coming.  In the mean time, my kids (whose medical insurance may not cover the inevitable outcomes of this) are enjoying the trampoline immensely.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I enjoy these entries so much. No surprise that doodle has research genes.