Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Amazing Saje (the untold story of the blog so far)

Saje is a pretty outstanding wife.
An incredible mom.
A fearless healthy warrior.
And to date has given herself no credit on the blog for her first month here in New South Wales.

It seems time to rectify that.

She's braved the medical system in a foreign country to see fit that her doodle had the attention that he needed when he was dehydrated upon our arrival. She continues to make medical claims for everything both here and abroad. She has spent countless (and I fancy myself a pretty good counter) hours dealing with a milieu of claims for all of the members of the family with nary a complaint. She has stayed up very late into the night and then woken up early in the morning to bike on a flat tire to a friend's place to call Ontario before the business ours closed in their time zone.

She's braved the spiders. There have been many. They are big. They are scary. They are not to be messed with. She has taken it like a trooper.

She's rego'd the car and figured out all of the quirks and queries of driving here. She's been patient with me as I've re-acquainted myself with the 'joy' of driving manual. She's taken the lion's share of the driving, including the boys to and from school each day. She even often comes home with someone else's children in tow so that our boys will have someone to play with.

She's been a whiz in the kitchen. Although she misses the chest freezer (and nature's freezer from Ottawa - the front and back steps), she's managed to make an amazing birthday cake, breakfasts each morning for our growing boys and a hot meal each day when I come home (even if I'm running late). They even often come with a glass of Australian wine that she has procured along the way.

She's thoroughly enjoyed the extra time she has each day with her boys. She's chatted with teachers. She's followed up on notes and notices. She's supported the boys through-and-through and advocated for them each step of the way.

She trains constantly for her races and made friends along the way.

She's made dinner plans, brunch plans, morning tea plans, afternoon tea plans and barbecue tea plans for the family. She's planned our weekends away to the letter.

She's blogged faithfully every day to document our travels and secure our memories online.

She's done it all (and more) with a smile on her face.

I'm incredibly blessed to be on the other side of the world with her.


Grandma C said...

.... And on top of all that, Sarah-Jane, you dealt with me. For the last three weeks, since my accident, you have been my rock, my advisor, my counselor, the one to whom I could express my frustrations. You've done it all from the other side of the world. I Love and respect you.

Unknown said...

You rock, SJ.