Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Stuff I'm becoming good at

Some stuff to put on the CV:

  1. beating spiders to death
  2. not seeing any snakes yet (thank God)
  3. running in higher elevation
  4. turning right across traffic and ending up on the correct side of the street
  5. running in crazy hot weather
  6. pretending to be domestic
  7. not using the windshield wipers instead of the turn signal
  8. grocery shopping*
  9. running on hills
  10. never, ever being cold
  11. BBQing.  That's right, BBQing.  As the owner of only indoor plumbing, I have never been much for this particular cooking method.  I've always left it for those sporting outdoor plumbing.  This year I'm doing it all!  I'm not going to lie, the first night I SET IT ON FIRE.  I don't mean because I was awesome.  I mean that there was way too much fat on the meat and it BURNED.  Flames were everywhere, even with the gas turned off.  I would have taken photos, but I was a bit preoccupied.  A learning curve to this...
Then I made burgers the next two times and that has gone pretty well. They had avocado and navy beans in them along with onions and garlic.  I served them with Angelas beetroot relish and some amazing feta.  Mmmmmmm.

*I still hate it.

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