Thursday, April 2, 2015

Beetroot Relish

Beetroot (beets in Canada) is very, VERY popular in Mudgee.  It goes in everything.  I've had it in salads, on sandwiches and served as a side dish.I especially enjoy it made in to relish.  I got some from a friend early on, but consumed it very quickly.  She could see that my taste for it was becoming a liability to her stock so she wisely invited me over to teach me how to make it.

 It is soooooo yummy!!  As you can see from the second photo, I was a bit excited through the process, so the photo is a bit blurry.


Unknown said...

Do they also put beets in chocolate cake?

Saje said...

Excellent question! I will ask. I did have beetroot in salad for Good Friday dinner last night. And we are in a different state now (Victoria). So it isn't just New South Wales.