Monday, October 5, 2015

The Day We Should Have Hired a Car

Today we took the bus to the last stop before the Darwin Military Experience and walked the rest of the way.  Dave did not tell me that we were walking almost 5km each way.  Likely because I knew better than to ask the question.
BigC enjoyed that this sign actually advertised wallabies as part of the attractions. We stopped along rhe path so I could continue my quest to keep my palms from getting soft.  
This peacock enjoyed lunching with us at the museum. We didn't feed him, but his behaviour would suggest that many others do.
BigC was especially taken with the 9.2inch gun and wanted to be sure that Grandpa saw it.  Dad, you would love this place!
Monkey was keen to dress us in the regalia.  The experience was very well done.  Prior to the last two weeks here in the top end I really had very little idea about Australia's involvement in the second World War.  I most certainly did not know how heavily Darwin had been bombed by Japan.
After walking 5km back to the bus stop Dave pulled out a package of Brie that he had brought along with him for the day.  He had carefully stored it in the "coolest part of his backpack, right next to the crackers". He was very surprised to find that aftet 6 or so hours on a 34 degree day it was in liquid form. Picture a delicious brie appetizer.  I'm talking some maple syrup, walnuts (or perhaps cranberries if you're Liz)...maybe even wrapped in flaky pastry...right out of the oven served with some fresh crusty roll.  Mmmmm....but not that, because this was just brie, in the wrapper, at a bus stop.  #fail

All cheesy teasing aside we caught the bus for the Mindil Markets.  
The boys quickly found the tent of circus toys.

Monkey got a private lesson on playing with a Diablo.  He did so well that he entered a contest.
Which HE WON!!  SI now he has his very own to play with.  We bought him a book to help him to learn more tricks with it.  I'm sure he'll find lots more great info on YouTube once we are back in Mudgee.
 This kid loved taking the bus today. 
In Melbourne and Sydney we have ridden on great transit systems with new systems where you pay the fare with a card ad no cash changes hands.  In fact, that would seem to be pretty standard for most cities these days.  Not Darwin.  The bus driver has a little cash box and he is taking money and making change as he greets passengers.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sorry: what? Someone sharing our genetic makeup has enough coordination to learn a new toy and THEN win a contest with said toy?