Saturday, October 10, 2015

Strong finish to a short week - Dave posting

This week we had the pleasure of a 4-day school week due to the holiday on Monday,
At the kids local school, they celebrate with the school fete at this time of year. The kids, along with many community partners, put on a huge celebration in the playground complete with pony rides, bouncy castles, cake stalls, all manner of candies and sugary treats, as well as games that the kids in years 5 and 6 run.
Oh, and it's an incredibly huge fundraiser. 
Grandparents give their kids money for this annual event. I'm not kidding.
The plan this year was to raise $15 000.
It was an impressive display.  
Monkey not only took his shifts volunteering at the year 6 'Tin Can Alley' game (you had to knock over stacks of cans to win chocolate bars), but he also participated as a member of the senior choir. Here he is with the choir belting out 'Lanterns' along with his peers.
Our boys were pretty money savvy.
They each filled out their stamp card by visiting every stand - and were overjoyed to get a free hot wheels car.
In Big C's terms - it was the BEST. PRIZE. EVER!
Monkey got an orange sportscar and was overjoyed.
We grabbed a cold drink to get a little relief from the 30+ degree heat in the sunshine. All told it was a delightfully fun afternoon.
When we got back to the car, Big C made sure that we took his photo with his 'student of the week' ribbon. He was very proud of himself.
With mommy out of town for the weekend, it was a fun start to our boys' weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Student of the week!! That's awesome!