Monday, December 28, 2015

NZ Day 15-Matoeka and Takaka

We set out this morning to see more of this part of New Zealand. We started with a short walk along the waterfront in a pretty little town called Moteuka.

 We discovered that it used to be a Maori and then European shipping port. No one could tell is why this rusted out hull was here, but it sure looked cool!

 We headed to Takaka to keep hiking and exploring. I should mention that yesterday's nurse gave me the all clear to sweat-yay!

First we did a short hike up to an awesome lookout. It is the green dot in the maps below. Less than 1k out and back. Awesome views.

We felt the need for more so we headed to the proper track and hiked another 4k. Usually our family is up for more than that but we have a recovering gimp
and a big hike in Abel Tasman planned for tomorrow, so we took it easy. 
 The track was surprisingly challenging with lots of loose rocks and such. A great view and great workout. 

I should point out that not all members of this gang feel that long hikes are the go. When we were booking our Abel Tasman hike the women asked how long we like to go for, Dave and I answered "2-3 hours". Behind us BigC replied "half an hour". Hilarious.

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