Tuesday, August 28, 2007

DPoD August 28th Part II - The Rookie Racer Lunch Bag

The Mailman came and knocked on our door today. I had my suspicions as to what it could be. Then I saw the title on the package and knew that it was Sunshine's order from Lands' End. As soon as Monkey saw that there was mail and was told that his name was on it he was nearly beside himself:

Monkey: 'Is that my Rookie Racer lunchbag? Is that my Rookie Racer lunchbag? Is that my Rookie Racer lunchbag?'

Daddy: 'Yes. Yes it is.'

Monkey: 'Can I open it? Can I open it? Can I open it?'

Daddy (searching for the echo): 'Yes buddy, just wait a moment'

After a zillionth of a second in getting a knife to open the package and then finding it, the elation began. The dancing and showing it off soon followed. Then the laps around the main floor of the house. After a quick call to mommy, here is the photo evidence:

Big C : 'Cheese!!"

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