Sunday, August 2, 2015

A Doors Wide Open at Mudgee Public School Day

One of the truly awesome things about me not having a workplace to report to this year is that I can be at al school events, no matter how big or small.  

The school offered parents the opportunity to come and view their children's classrooms in action.  Here I am going over BigC's math workbook.  He is still at the age where he is happy to climb in to my lap to show me things.  I make no apologies for taking full advantage of that!!
I didn't get any shots of Monkeys classroom because that would not have been cool.  He does love to come and visit his brother's classroom and play with all of the sensory things as you can see!
I was the only mom outside playing at recess.  This kid loves to play tennis and he saw this as a perfect opportunity to get some practice in.  No video of course, so just picture two tall and uncoordinated people running frantically after balls lobbed in every get the idea.
Here is a close up of this man's dinosaur costume.  The video for the concert is below it.  I am not sure how it ended up sideways...sorry about that.  He is the terrified looking dinosaur at the right hand side of the stage.  I am so proud of him for getting up in front of the entire auditorium.  He was very nervous.
Monkey's entire class got voluntold to be in the senior choir, so here they are (right way up!):
At bed time last night he tanked Jesus that he had not gotten too nervous and that he had been able to do the performance.  Bless his little heart!!

It was an awesome morning with my kids.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok the dinosaur tail wag towards the end of the video is way too adorable!