Saturday, August 29, 2015

Australia Some 8 Months In

So we landed January 18 in Sydney.  It is now August 29.  So I will loosely say that we have been here for 7.5 months.  I now drive on the proper side of the road with stunning regularity.  I still get confused about it when I am on my bike.  I typically use the indicators rather than the windshield wipers when I intend to.  Not always.  I do need to think about it before turning the indicators on.

I say things like stuff it, no worries, how are you going and heaps among others.  Overall, I would say that we are acclimating.

I can not sort out the money!  The $5 note is purple and the $10 note is blue.

 In Canada it is the reverse.  So I either hand someone too much money and get unexpected change, or I don't hand them enough and I expect change.  At this point I just need to look at the actual number on the bill as I know that I can't trust my brain to work it out for itself.

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