Friday, August 28, 2015

Some Roxy Love Here in Australia!

One of the hardest parts of this exchange has been having to leave our sweet Roxy at home for the year.  We have missed her tremendously.  Today a package arrived in the mail from Roxy and her carer Carla.
I waited until the boys got home from school and we opened it together.
When I first washed Monkey's scout blanket here in Mudgee he was straight up furious with me.  It would seem that my laundering removed Roxy's fur from the blanket.
Carla send him some swatches of fabric that Roxy has been lying on for a few months. They are COVERED in fur.  He is over the moon as you can see from this blurry picture of him waving the bag of fur all around!

 Monkey has been sleeping with the fur and even brought it in to school to show his class.  It was a huge hit!
Carla also sent us some fun Canadian souvenirs including a beach ball, some lanterns and some stickers.
Thank you so much Carla!!!


Unknown said...

Awwww. This is so sweet and so awesome.

Carla said...

So nice to see you guys enjoying the parcel! Roxy is currently snoring at my feet wondering why I'm staying up so late when I should have been in bed an hour ago...but it was worth it to pop in on the WB blog!