Sunday, August 23, 2015

A proper bushwalk - as written by Dave

Today,  after dropping Monkey off for Scout camp at 8:30, we had the pleasure of going to two different wineries. First up was Logan Wineries.
It features a beautiful sunroom that overlooks the luscious hillsides. There is ambiance and modern furniture as well as a lineup of over 20 wines. The wines were good,  though none came home with us.
The second winery was Skimstone winery. It is a small, dark shack on the side of the road with some patio furniture outside. The view is adequate. The wines were good,  though none made the trip home.
We feel that we may have found our favourite Mudgee wines and now have about 20 weeks in which to consume the 40 or so bottles that we own.
Challenge accepted.
After we recovered from me stalling the car in the middle of the highway and recovered from me driving into oncoming traffic (editors note: most of my wines were tasted and then poured out), we headed for a Bushwalk at my head teacher's place.
Joined by his dogs,  which BigC was overjoyed were coming with us so that he could throw sticks for them to chase,  we were off into the wilderness. After climbing a small fence,  we hiked mostly uphill into the bush.
 It was beautiful and the running commentary was very helpful. Here is BigC next to a grass tree that grows about 1cm per year (in a good year). We estimated that it is between 300 and 700 years old. BigC was very intrigued by the bike trails and jumps that the head teacher's sons had constructed over the years. Upon our return home,  he was off to the driveway to build his own ramps and jumps.
Needless to say,  we all went to bed quickly and ideally got a rock solid night's sleep.

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