Thursday, September 27, 2007

Monkey is co-ordinated?

Tonight was Monkey's trial run at the local Karate school to see if he likes it. He showed up and sure enough, his friend J from school was there. That was pretty cool for him and definitely helped to get him started. He put on his cute little white outfit and he was off. He had an absolute blast and said that he wanted to go back again. There are no pictures since Big C and Daddy are at the fair with the camera.

At the end of the class I spoke with the sensei who said, among other things) that Monkey is co-ordinated. I was floored! No one has EVER said those words before! I can still clearly remember him walking accross the kitchen floor when he was a toddler, stepping on the side of the wok, and whapping himself in the face with the handle.

Every night we lay in bed and we talk about his day. He tells me everything that he did and he picks one favorite thing. When he says his prayer he thanks Jesus for that thing. Tonight, he thanked Jesus for Karate.

Yep, I think we'll sign him up : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As someone who witnessed the wok-in-the-face incident, was the sensei speaking about the correct child?! Glad to hear Big Bro has found a way to switch DNA, forever altering his future-anticipated stair falling, random trippings, and such.