Thursday, September 20, 2007

The WBs cut thier hydro bill again!!

Wow! We have continued on the same path of general conservation. Nothing major, nothing drastic. Just being aware of what we are doing and what we are using.

From October to December we used 2278 kWh or 36.17 KwH per day,
from December to February we used 2207 kWh or 35.03 KwH per day.
from February to April we used 1915 kWh or 33.02 KwH per day. This is when we sat up and took notice. This is a lot of power consumtion. So we went around the house and put power bars on the TV and the computer. We turned off the furnace fan and the ceiling fan and we generally took notice.

So then from April -June we used 913 kWh or 14.97 KwH per day

Today we got our bill from June to August we used 515 kWh or 8.3 KwH per day. Our bill is only $65 this month as compared to over $170 at some points in the past-wow! Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!!

We went from 36.17 kWh per day to only 8.3. Incredible!
wow we were wasting a lot of energy, and money in the past. The amazing thing is, we barely notice the difference in our day to day life.

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