There were many happy choruses of "we're the candy guys" from Monkey in place of the traditional "trick or treat". There was also a lot of "umm, can I have some Smarties too please, they are my favorite". Grandma should be proud. Or maybe he just remembers the Smarties getting stolen by Grandma in years past and he knew that he needed extra. He actually did a remarkable amount of negotiating right on the door steps. Some guy gave him playdoh, but not blue playdoh. Oh Monkey spoke up, you can bet on it. They were trading between BigE, the neighbour and Monkey. It went on for at least 3 solid minutes.
He figured out that if he told people that he was also collecting for his brother, they would give him twice as much. At one point BigE was even trying to send Monkey in his place since Monkey was so good at it. At one point Big C took a rest at some random person's picnic table. Hey, it was sitting on the front lawn and he is always told that he has to sit in order to eat. Putting two and two together, he was hoping to get some candy in!