Monday, October 15, 2007

DPoD October 13th Part II - BNK's Party

Monkey and Big C's friend BNK (you can be a contest prize winner if you can figure out what that stands for-contest entries can be entered in the comments section below) had a party planned for Saturday, but planned for outside. The weather was shaping up to be less than cooperative, so we offered up Chez WB. The kids had a great time with the colourful balloons, the streamers, the race car theme, the presents, the yummy cake and lots of friends being silly on the trampoline. There was even an impromptu competition to see how many kids could fit into a train box (we maxed out at 5!). All in all it was a fabulous time and BNK had a blast. After some quick clean-up, loot bags and our good-byes everyone was off for a solid afternoon nap.

Here's a few photos of the birthday boy with Big C both getting in their 'CHEESE' fix. What a couple of happy little goofs.

Happy birthday BNK!


Matt Triemstra said...

BNK-biblically named kid!

I am so smart S-M-R-T

BNK's dad

Anonymous said...

Bubbly New Kid?
Bottom Needs Kissing?
Bananas, not kiwi?
Born Near Kanata?
Better No Karate?
Brings Neat Kups?
Bright-Nippled Kid?
Balding Next-of Kin?