Tuesday, October 23, 2007

DPoD October 23rd - Photos are In!!

First - HAPPY MOLE DAY! If you're not sure what that is, check out the link.
Second - Grandma, Monkey LOVES his new Rookie Racer shirt. I think that he'll be wearing it non-stop for the rest of the week! He was sooooo excited to show it to me! He was overjoyed enough to literally run laps around the house.Thank you.
Third - The rain wasn't about to stop Monkey from picking red raspberries. The pictures are great (arrgh) but they show him dressed head to toe in his full body rainsuit picking berries and putting them into his 'sharing bowl'. Maybe there's a little postal history in our family bloodlines (grandpa?)
Fourth - we all still miss you sweetie and are looking forward to your return.

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